Mobile Device Security and Penetration Testing

Protect your organization against the risks and threats posed by mobile apps.

Mobile Application Risks and Security

Mobile risks and threat assessment for Android and iOS.

According to the 2016 State of Application Security" report, 90 percent of the apps tested in the app stores had at least two critical security vulnerabilities. These are frightening statistics especially for apps that connect back to the enterprise network.

Mobile applications pose great risks and threats to organizations, they hold corporate data on the device, have customer information, intellectual property, contracts, sales and marketing information, and have direct access to the corporate network. To mitigate the risk posed by mobile apps, the first step towards understanding the risks and successfully managing it, is to embark on a risk assessment. We help organizations write secure mobile apps by assessing the risk posed by the mobile applications against the OWASP Top 10 Mobile Risks.

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Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Know the threats within your mobile app first before the bad guys do.

We conduct a detailed analysis and penetration testing on your mobile apps and provide you with a detailed report on the vulnerabilities and together with the solutions to fix them.

Our analysis will focus on the OWASP 10 Mobile Risks for 2016, which are comprised of the following, improper platform usage, insecure data storage, insecure communication, insecure authentication, insufficient cryptography, insecure authorization, client code quality, code tampering, reverse engineering and extraneous functionality.

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